Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Christmas is over :)

whew...after lost of procrastination...I decided to blog...:) ok so we had an awesome Christmas week and we are thrilled that it is over with....right honey?

Josh had the entire week off last week and Mati moo stayed with her daddy Monday and Tuesday while mommy slaved away at the office...lol..She acted weird all week last week...low appetite which always scares me...a little fever and congestion to the point of gaging herself to throwing up....in my bed at 3 am Christmas morning...Ohhh the joys of mommyhood :) Last Wednesday Josh took a guys day and went hunting with my dad since mommy was off. My mom and I went shopping and we shopped until we dropped... I was so excited to see my lover when he walked in the door.. we are rarely apart for the day...absence makes the heart grow fonder.. Thursday we had a nice day at home before getting ready to head to my father in laws for Christmas dinner... I let Mati open a couple of her gifts so she could wear a new dress... I curled her hair and it look fabulous...lol...She looked so cute...She played with her baby and loves to feed it, its bottle... She has also put her baby umbrella stroller to good use..She loves pushing her baby around. After a fun night at Josh's dad we headed home....

Mati enjoyed opening her gifts...of course we had to start it and she finished opening her gifts....she would wait saying " oh oh oh" until you got it completely out of the box. Then we were off the "The Kozel" family Christmas. Mati pooped on her shirt....awesome...so I was in the bathroom washing it out...so we put Mati in her jacket until it dried...uhh that was horrible..she is naturally hot natured like her daddy so she was soooo fussy...wouldn't eat...it was just one of those mommy moments where you want to sit down and cry with them....or just leave...option 2 wasn't an option....hopefully next year will be tons better. Then we headed over to my parents for some left overs and watched "Four Christmas's" together...I laughed so hard...it was hilarious...highly recommend.

Saturday was our last Christmas and by this time I was wiped out. We had Christmas with Josh's mom and then did a little shopping with our Christmas loot....lol... I got some decor.....whats new?

Monday we were back to work...

I can't wait until Thursday....we don't have anything planned surprise surprise...Hopefully I will add some pics tonight...

A few funny things Mati has said lately:

One of her Christmas gifts was an Ariel doll that floats in the water....it was clear she didn't like her so Josh walked the doll up to her and said in a girly voice...."Can I have a hug?" Mati so innocently.... "no"....Josh "Can I have a kiss?" Mati....."no" So we gave up....

When she is done eating its "no no"

Josh was putting together her kitchen and she looked at him through the hole from the other side and said "hey Josh"

Lately she has picked up "wa wa" for water from someone at daycare so we are reinforcing "water"

She jabbers on nonstop and can have a full length conversation....lol...in her own language....you can make our some words...

She always thinks she needs to hand you her binky if she is taking it out of her mouth....and she responds with "my bink" like your just holding it mommy

She also loves to tell us to "go away"...I haven't figured out where she picked this one up...

When she hears anything about counting she says the number 6....no idea....

She can now sign "more"

She hates for Josh to love on me...she gets really jealous and moves his hand or she lays across me...I wonder how she is going to do with a sibling???? "no no daddy"

Lately anytime we are shopping and Josh walks away she will yell "da " "da".....it gets so annoying...lol...

Every time she looks at the tree she says "balls"

ok ok enough..there is so much more I could share but I have no time!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

So Tired!

ok ok so I am owe you guys a catch up so here we go.....

Last week we had plans every night....and I was so sick so it seriously sucked...Now I am just anxiously awaiting the weekend so I can try and catch up on some kind of sleep. I am so exhausted...I will do a quick run through...Monday shower...Tuesday night...a little Christmas shopping ...buy baby shower gift for that Thursday night...Wednesday night...Dinner with Amy and Ben and their 2 adorable kido's...Mati loves them BTW. Mati had a blast playing with them and we can't wait to do it again.. (after the holidays...hehehe)...Thursday night I made an amazing pulled pork barbeque....amazing...my mom, dad and niece and nephew came over to help us eat all 9 lbs... we of course didn't conquer that! We had barbecue for 3 days...lol...My mom and I took off to the baby shower... Friday night we headed out to the Woodlands for my little brother's surprise birthday party...Saturday we shopped until we dropped....finished up the night grocery shopping..went home and watched a movie way too late..We skipped church on Sunday and spent the morning in BED!!!! Then we headed out to do more shopping...We cam home and my parents brought over Mati's Christmas...We put that together and got all of our gifts wrapped and under the tree. Thank God. We are definitely done with Christmas...so..moving on...

Monday night I spent the entire night cleaning and thankfully Josh helped with laundry. I got all of my weekend housework down and my bathroom is sinfully clean. :) Tuesday Josh and I headed to Hobby Lobby add some finishing touches to a Christmas gift and mama got a few frames for the casa. Last night I went to a Vendor party and had a great time catching up with a friend. I bought Mati a few bows and can't wait to see the other one's I ordered. They are awesome! Thankfully Mati cooperated most of the time and only turned into a little terror the last 30 minutes or so. She is so funny!

Warning to men and my dad this might be TMI: Ok so to make a long story short Mati totally stole my boobs after she quit nursing. Frankly she sucked it all out I was left with a small B and pancakes....yuk. I have hated that part of myself until recently. Before I got pregnant it was my favorite part of my body!! Nice full C to a small D. After nursing it was scary..I tried every bra...and unfortunately my boobs got lost in all the padding seriously. I even bought a wonder bra....Don't really recommend.. :) I had been seeing the new Victoria Secret bra and I was very curious....2 cups sizes really? So I bought it this past weekend, and I am in love. In Josh's own words "I appear to have boobs again"...lol...I plan on getting a boob job after we are done having kids but I didn't want to walk around like this for the next 5 or 6 years... I love this bra...my girls sit up nice and pretty and I love the profile again...lol....No one wants a bra where your boobs just lay underneath... so yeah buy it!

Moving on.. I can't freaking wait until Christmas. Mati is going to have a blast and I can't wait to eat all the desserts...As much as I look forward to food you would think I would be as big as a house. Thanks to Josh.. I am not...hahah Love you HB...(my nickname for him...can't expose the whole name so I will leave you wondering what HB means..)

I will blog tomorrow all about Mati...she deserves her own post!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Catchy Title Here"

What a weekend...

Last week/ weekend Josh has been incognito due to finals and close coming up at work... So I barely talk to him during the day...and at night he has way to much going on... Last week he would have dinner and get Mati ready for her bath while I cleaned up the kitchen.....we would trade off and off he would be to study. He was up all hours of the night, and up and going in the morning....He was able to relax over the weekend a little.. You know he is stressed by him twitching his back....once you notice it...it can be quite distracting... he stores all his stress in he back and chewing holes in his mouth. This use to be a constant when he worked at Gringo's so it was like a flash back to watch it all appear this past weekend...when he wasn't studying he was being pampered so don't feel too sorry for him. He finished up finals last night and I think his close is almost over so maybe I will see my hubbs again! I miss him!

Last weekend was quite a productive weekend. I cleaned out all my cabinets and drawers in the kitchen...wiped everything down.....cleaned my floors by hand.... all our laundry done and still managed to workout..... wow right? I hate to toot my own horn BUT "toot toot"..lol.... Next on the list would be closets...I have got to clean out Mati's stuff. She has so much that doesn't fit anymore...ohh well..

Saturday we decorated the tree at my mom's and had a little family time with my sister...then headed home to a night alone...Sunday after church and nap time I had a very productive day...lonely...yet productive :)

Last night Mati and I went to Taylor's wedding shower. She was in our wedding and all I can say is she is going to make a beautiful bride...inside and out. She is just a beautiful person! Mati had a blast and added her "ohhhhh" as Taylor opened her gifts...it was too cute...she was leaning over the gifts and trying to eat her envelopes... It was pretty funny, Sorry Taylor.

Let the day begin...hopefully my week just gets better~

Friday, December 4, 2009

Baby its cold outside~

Man O Man is it cold? Gesh!

Yesterday Mati's daycare called and said that she had woken up from her nap, and couldn't open one of eyes due to all the gunk that had accumulated during nap time...great! So...She had to be picked up ASAP, right in the middle of the busiest part of day ..and week ...so I got to a stopping point..got Josh to make her an appointment and I went to go pick her up. I quickly became agitated when I noticed a nice blue circle on Mati's forearm. She came home earlier in the week with a blue bruise on her shoulder from running into their fridge so I am sure the anger was a bit intensified. She had been bitten by a little boy. Thankfully they have a low tolerance at the daycare so if he bites many more he will be gone. :) moving on...I brought her back to work with me. She sat in my lap until I could get my stuff finalized for the day. Off we went to see the Dr. ..where to no surprise he let me know she had pink eye... She weighed 24.3 with her clothes and boots on. They let her stand on the big kid scale now. I thought that was pretty cool. After the diagnosis I spoke the Dr. about how much my little motor mouth speaks. He told me that she is an early talker and that is an early indicator for intelligence....Cool with me!!! I have to admit I kind of swell with pride in moments like that!

Not alot going on in the Kozel house this weekend. We are spending this cold snowy night in, and Mati and myself will be making ourselves sparse this weekend since Josh has finals due. I think my mom is making some jumbo tomorrow maybe we will play cards and hang out..who knows... I need to do a little Christmas shopping.. We have only bought a few things so I need to get cracking....

Tons of snow this morning put me in a hot chocolate mood. BUT none of that....down 2.5 lbs and I am stoked...can't wait to weigh on Sunday!!!

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Thanksgiving...and a little catch up

Ok so I am for sure this post is going to take a while. I doubt I will get to post pics until next week so just bare with me.

We had an awesome Thanksgiving....My sister came into town the week before and had our family dinner the Saturday before. The week of Thanksgiving seems like a blur...we had family in town...we put up the tree..(which is beautiful) and we went out of town.

We always go to Mississippi and spend the holiday with my extended family there. It is always so nice. Josh went deer hunting 2 mornings in a row. (he didn't get anything) Unfortunately this has sparked a new passion in my hubby...Now everything he gets for Christmas is hunting related. I won't lie I loved the fact he didn't care about hunting...now he is singing a different tune. OHH well...We spent the morning half at my maternal grandmother's...Mati and I took a nap and then went to my paternal grandparents....all I can say is I think I ate a whole pie ..plus some... We had been eating terribly and the scale was just getting heavier...or maybe that was me..lol...so yeah Josh and I are back on P90X until Christmas and it feels great!

Mati had a blast with all her cousins..keep in mind she never see's them and they are all over the age of 8, but they are so good about letting her play with them. They love her so much and they treat her like their little doll even then boys... One of the days all the kids were on the trampoline and Mati just stood at the door wanting to go play so bad. She just kept watching them and screaming "yes" at them like come get me now, I want to play. Poor little thing.

Mati has her own little Christmas tree in her room and she loves it. After her bathtime I will turn it on and she goes nuts....she will stand at the door and yell for her daddy to come see and she will run and wait by her tree to show it to her daddy.. lots of "ohhhsss"...Once he is on his way she will motion for him to come and will run to her tree to see. Its the highlight of the night sometimes. I will hate to put it away. Speaking of tree's, Mati loves to take the ornaments off our tree. I have a bag of about 8 ornaments that I couldn't find the hooks for that will be making there way back to the tree today. She is definitely in the "wait until mommy is not looking" phase. She waits patiently until I am not lookin and will open the trash can or whatever is she is trying to get her little hands on... It is so hard to keep a straight face.

A couple nights ago we were in her room after bathtime and she was telling me "shoes" so I repeat it back..than she moves on to "socks". She stayed on that for a while so I asked if she wanted her socks on and she answered yes..so I got he socks out and told her to sit down so I can put them on so she sat down and lifted each little foot one at a time...Right after she got up and went on her way. I think its cool that she know that shoes and socks go together. Everytime you change her diaper or she see's her diaper before it goes in the trash she says "yuck"...love it...lol...We will be moving into potty training after the holidays. I think she will be ready by them. She will pretty much let you know when she has "potted" and will say the appropriate word for each. When you tell her "lets go change your diaper" she walks to the changing table. She will also walk to her high chair when she is hungry and attempts to put her own bib on. She pretty much says anything you say. She can repeat anything.. and the little jabber box never stops...

She loves to act like a chicken...one night out of boredom I taught her how to "bok" with her little hands under her arms like wings...even if I say I am making her some chicken...she will act like a chicken..its hilarious.

Everyday on the way home we repeat words back and forth, she loves it. When she gets tired she will simply answer just "yes" when I say " Can you say..sippy cup?"....lol..She has such a big girl personality. She is still addicted to Cheeto's (Gerber) and I don't think the lady at the library found it too funny last week when Josh called it her "crack"...lol...

She is really good with helping you dress and undress her. When you tell her to come and put in her jacket she walks toward you with one arm out....lol.. and she won't leave until it is zipped.

The ladies at the daycare told me yesterday that all the new babies that are transferred into Mati's room, Mati will call them "babies"...Keep in mind they are only 2 months younger than her. Every little kid is a baby. She loves to give you a hug and say "hug"... I love that too... Tuesday when I went to pick her up ...her and 2 other little girls were standing in a little corner all shoulder to shoulder...I wish I had my camera...it was adorable..

I am soooo excited about Christmas this year. I have had so much fun picking out toys and clothes..

There are so many things she is doing and saying that make us laugh everyday. I wish I had all day to list them. We had a great Thanksgiving surrounded by friends and family. Isn't God good?

**** Pic's will be up next week...hopefully I will blog before then .. :)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Birthday Handsome...


Happy Birthday Darling. I am so glad I ran into you again all those years ago. Who would have thought this is where we would be today? You are an amazing father and I have never seen a man's eyes so full of pride then when you are gazing at your daughter. She is the perfect combination of our looks and our love. I love you more today than any day before. You have been the rock in our marriage, and you have taught me all about solid ground. You drive me to be a better person and you make my heart complete. I don't know what I would do without you. Can you believe I still melt when you call me "baby". I love slow dancing in the kitchen with you and I love how you make me feel like I rock your world..lol... Thank you for always being there..from the emotional break downs during wedding plans...to the crazy pregnant hormones..I can always count on you..your not always on my side, ;) but you are always supportive and that's what matters most. I love you forever and always...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


It amazing me how much we all strive for perfection. It pushes me daily and motivates me to be a better person. Its quite funny for me to think of all the things I do when in all honesty there will never be that perfection...there will always be a flaw. A nice tan....perfect eyebrows..manicures...pedicures...Mati always dressed adorable...I strive for the "leave it to beaver" household. Once I was in Jr High I grew up in a home where my mom stayed at home and had snacks ready when we got home and my dad never lifted a finger in our house. He always did the manly things outside. I grew up with 2 brothers and 2 sisters. Saturday was usually our work day and the girls did the housework...laundry..and the boys worked outside. I was always raised to keep a clean home. I have fond memories of my mom running around the house cleaning or her asking me to help her by vacuuming before he got home from work. She always made dinner solo and never asked for anyone's help. I always liked that. SO with that said I am the same way in many ways. Josh has never cleaned a toilet since we have been married. I love the bed made before we leave every morning.. I like the covers to be tight and straight. I even straighten Mati's crib and fold her blanket. Mentally I always want to be that perfect wife...but what is the perfect wife? I think she is many different things to different women. Mine... would be a wife that stays in shape for herself and her husband...keeps a clean..organized house..always takes time in her appearance...always on time..ladylike...no potty mouth (thats so unattractive).. but most of all she is a loving wife and mother... I don't necessarily think a wife should talk bad about her husband to other people. My mom always says that " you should always think your crow is the blackest" ...really that makes no sense...lol...but what she is saying is that you should always think your guy is the best. Yes men have large ego's, but I think that is just their nature. I hope that I am a good example for Madelyne. I want her to want to be like her mom one day .....well better...

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

ReSaLe & My little TalKeR

Ok so let me start with the resale part. I have never shopped at a consignment shop before...not because I am a snob or think down on it. I just look at Mati's clothes as an investment. We plan on having a few more kido's and hopefully I can pass them down. God may give us 3 more boys instead...who knows..so anyways.. My mom kept telling me about this awesome consignment shop...I am thinking " ok I will get around to going"...When I finally did..I was blown away..Gymboree clothes with the tag still attached...Janie and Jack also. Shoes that looked like they have never been worn from Gymboree..anyways.. I walked out of there with like 5 pairs of shoes and some clothes for Mati. I was super excited..I have been raving about this place ever since. Next....Josh and I had been looking for Mati a cute wooden table to go in her play room. We fell in love with one..it was perfect. I kept thinking I could swallow the 400 dollar price tag...no biggie..then we find out it is in Australia...no thanks...So it was back to the drawing board. I had noticed that the real wooden tables are quite pricey so I just kept looking. I woke up on Saturday determined to find a table. Josh and I drove around 5 or 6 garage sales. I decided I would just sand and repaint...but no luck!!!!! We stopped by my parents and I was explaining this ordeal..and she reminded me of a consignment furniture store 2 miles from my house.. So on the way home we made our detour. Josh waited in the car bc he was convinced they didn't have one, and if they did it wasn't reasonably priced..so..I headed inside and wow...I was blown away. Some of the coolest stuff...and back in the corner a little white wooden table and 2 little white chairs..they were in almost perfect condition. So I was super excited when I raced to the car to let he know they had them. They have been sanded and repainted..The red polka dots go on tonight...I am soo excited.

Enough of that...

Mati moo is such a little talker. She repeats or trys to repeat everything you say....duck..click..cow..binky..Its funny. She can say and point to her eyes, nose, ears, and belly button. It's so cute to hear "belly button" come out of her mouth. She has a new obsession with being a little mama...she will take her spoons and spin in around like she is cooking in her little play cups and come and feed me.. She will say "nummm num"..as she walks away to get me more imaginary food.. She also loves to put her binky in my mouth. This fab started months ago, but now I will cry when she takes it back and she will laugh and put it back in my mouth...she is soo funny. Her sense of humor amazes me. She seems like such an older minded toodler. She laughs at things I would think would go over her head like moving my eyes funny or making a crazy gestures.Last week I taught her how to flap her arms like a chicken. You can tell her to be a chicken and she will fold her hands under her arms and flap them super fast...It's awesome! Last night Josh was at school so we had tons of playtime. I told her is was almost time for bed and she scooted to the other end of the couch and kept pointing to the tv like can't I watch it 5 more minutes mom..I told her she could watch it a little bit longer and asked her if she wanted to come back and sit with me. She scooted all the way back and sat right next to me. She looked sooo growny... She watched her cartoons and clapped to the music.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Holiday Pressure

Well the last 2 months of the year are here. I went back and read my goals for this year and I would say I did a really good job. I even lost the 15 lbs...lol...yoohoo...So I am setting some pre holiday goals...I am starting to feel the pressure and the burden of the Holiday season quickly approaching...dum dum dum....

I am starting P90X for the next 20 days or so...I have decided I want to look as good as possible while stuffing my face with dressing and having all the helpings I can stand. Yes!!! My husband says I eat like a horse, and I think he is putting it lightly. I can generally take down just as much food as he can. I have never been the shy girl that won't eat. I love food...I love all the unhealthy stuff...full of suger and thunder thighs... ;) So with all of that said I don't want to rebound on the weight I have lost. I have done a great job of staying where I was with the P90X. I really have only gained 1 1/2 lbs...I think I just lost muscle from not working out..lol...so I am determined to not get anywhere near pre prego weight... (fingers crossed)

I have also been bitten by the organizing bee....I feel like I need to declutter everything..I can't explain the neatness that has come over me.. I have been doing little things here and there..the drawers in the bathroom...make-up stuff...fridge and pantry (very neat)...I want to tackle my kitchen cabinets, my closet, and Mati's closet this next weekend. I love the feeling of everything in its place...I am a weirdo I know.

Josh and I have finally reached an agreement of trying to get prego next summer!!! Well the beginning of it anyways.. My brother and his wife are trying for a little bambino and I want them to have a good running start before we try, but who knows it could take us months...we will see. I am really excited for them, and a new baby is always so much fun and I am sure Mati will appreciate some cousins around her age. The closest one right now is 7. So hurry up Uncle Bryan and Aunt Ashley!!!! ~ no pressure! lol...

I think I am going to decorate from Christmas next week. We were way early last year and since we go out of town it always feels so good to come home to "Christmas"... I am starting my list of gifts now...

All about Mati moo.. Have I told you guys how much I love being this little girls mommy? She is sooo funny.. Usually it is a morning ritual to walk daddy out to his car and tell him "bye bye" and blow kisses.. After is our time..play time.. Today she chased me all over the house ...growling at me and picking her little legs up as fast as possible. We ran around the living room twice and from her room to the kitchen once. Then its off to daycare.. I let her walk all the way to her class. She looked so pooped by the time we got there. Daycare is usually and drop and go....pick and go experience but last week I got to see Mati in her element. She had a sinus infection so I took her to the dr. which means she got to daycare mid day. I had a few minutes so I watched her play without her knowing I was there. The kids were playing outside so I watched her go straight to some toys and get after it...it was time to go in only a few minutes later and I got to see her with her group of buddies being corralled in. It was super cute. Monday, when I went and picked her up I saw her through a window before I got to the door, and she was standing in the middle of the room with a huge smile...clapping like she was everyones cheerleader. I have to say I felt so proud! Once she noticed me it was a run to the door so excited to see her mommy. I love this little girl so much....she melts my heart!

ok ok enough of all that...I need to get to work! Hope u all have a fabulous day!! I know I am...I am loving this zpack....can you take these everyday? lol..

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween!

So this Halloween was Mati-moo's first real Halloween that she was able to enjoy! Too bad she wasn't feeling all that well, and was on antibiotics from a sinus infection....so for most of the weekend we lounged around and took it easy because daddy had school work to do and mama wasn't feeling all that well herself...
Here are a few pics and a video from Halloween (excuse the fact that it is sideways :) ).

...we went and "trick-or-treated" at Maw-Maw's before the Trunk or Treat outing...Maw-maw decided to feed Mati's addiction with her cheetos (that's Mati's crack)...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another Fun Filled Weekend!

So this post never got posted....here it is anyhow :)

Friday night Josh had a test to study for so Mati and mommy took off to my moms house. We hung out a couple hours and let Josh really soak in everything he needed for his exam. I noticed Mati just seemed to be going down hill. More congestion...When her nose did run it had a nice lime green color. I was worried she had an allergic reaction to something..her eyes were read. Maybe a perfume...no idea..so I let the weekend play out and she just didn't seem to get better.

Saturday we went to the pumpkin patch and wow I thought last year was bad...Maybe I will get some smiling pictures next year. All she wanted to do was roll the pumpkins... :) We went to the mall to return some shoes from Gymboree that didn't fit...boo...they were so cute.. ohh well. Then Josh got sucked into the Gingerbread collection and Mati got her a new outfit from the hair to the shoes.. I was pretty proud and I loved watching him walk around and pick out every piece. We stopped at Walmart and did a little grocery shopping, and headed over to see my madre and padre.. (I have been watching dora)
Here are some pictures from her pumpkin patch adventures:

Sunday was our usual day of Jesus! We went to church and out to eat with the family. We lounged around the house and went and did a little shopping at Macy's for mama. Mati played with a ball in my parents yard. She loves to throw it and have it thrown at her.

Here are a few pics:

Last night me and my hubby went to the taste of the NFL. My company donates a lot of the beef for this fundraiser and we also have a booth. Mama got all dolled up, and we headed out for some fun. Josh had a great time. He has never been, and has always had something going on..

Here are a few pics of that night:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away..

There is something about starting your morning off with 2 showers...1 especially with your cloths on... :) Today while dropping Mati off I literally had to stop and dump the water out of my shoe.It was horrible. They have seemed to dry out. Thank God! I walk in and the owner says "ohh no" and looks at me pathetically...I smile and keep walking...I get to Mati's class and her teacher says the same thing. I mean seriously? Do I look that bad....I mean I am sure I have some resemblance to a wet dog, but don't make me feel bad about it! lol...She loaned me her umbrella and away I went. I turned up my a/c hoping for it to do atleast half the job of my blow dryer..haha yeah right.. Luckily I had a comb in my car so I could run it through a little....tease it a little...at the end of it all...I have flat hair with no product in it...ohh well that's just me being vain, right honey?


Monday was a busy day from being out last Friday, so I have felt like I have been playin catch up on things here and there. All completely worth it to take care of my sick baby. Who is feeling a lot better by the way..

Tuesday..Mati moo was super excited to be dropped off at school..lol.. I went with my boss to visit customers and had a pretty packed day. After work we headed home to hang out and play until daddy got home..We ended up going to Gringo's with some friends. It was nice having the night off from the kitchen.

Yesterday Josh needed to do some studying so Mati and I hung out at my parents house until about 9...way past her bedtime...but she took a later nap, so I considered it no biggie. Mati played a game of hide and seek with my dad last night and it was hilarious. He would come over the couch and tickle her and she laughed until her tummy her I am sure. She would hide and jump up to see where he was..it was really cute to watch.... She loves her wooden puzzle I got her last weekend . She will focus so hard with the pieces. Next objective is coloring.. we will see how it plays out.

Today is my craziest day of the week and since it's suppose to be cold later I thought I would make home made chicken soup....yummy..we will see how it goes..this is my first time to play around the recipe. I am ready for tomorrow...bring on the weekend.

Monday, October 19, 2009

"Old McDonald" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider"

Here is a MAJOR picture update...as many of you know little Mati moo has had the flu. The daycare called me last week to tell me to come pick her up, once I got there they told me they had 2 cases of the flu in her class...wow gee thanks for letting us know. So her pedi had her back on breathing treatments and meds...poor kid... She back to feeling like her playful self in loads of trouble.... :)

Lately Mati is lucky if she gets in her chair. Here is Mati trying to make him move so she could have some room...

Here she is after mommy said "cheese"...what a little ham... (look at her belly

This is her new obsession. She loves to take things out. She will rarely let me close it without throwing herself on the ground crying like she is loosing her best friend. (please excuse the boxers and chubby legs :)

She has now decided she likes tv....

Mommies little helper...my heart

This was taken on day 2 of the flu. She isn't feeling too well here. She was trying to get comfortable during her nap.

My little diva. She looks so big in this picture to me. I thought the rollers were a great idea....but the outcome...not so good...very mad scientist...scary...lets just say we aren't ready for rollers just yet.

So pretty!!!!!

Mati's 2 new favorite songs are "Old McDonald" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider".... You can see below she loves them!! (please excuse my singing .....Josh nudged me and said sing).... I love every minute of this stage... She is such a momma's girl...

I hope you enjoyed our little catch up...I could watch it all day!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Busy Mama

This past weekend it felt like we weren't really home! Friday once I got home I decided to take a nap. Josh ordered pizza and we lounged and crashed early I think.

Saturday mama stayed in bed until almost noon. I was up before then but I didn't want to get out of bed. After I joined the land of the living we headed out to my mom's for some gumbo... It was a great lazy day...We ate and played cards....after our card game (let me mention I had the freakin lowest score) I fixed my nieces hair for a practice run for a pageant she is participating in at the end of the month. Josh and I needed to head out to Cheddars in Webster to make a delivery. Once we got to the office I told him what product to pull while I made the invoice. We got all the way there and I opened the back to find the wrong product!!!!! He makes me sooo proud! So we stayed and ate dinner...did a little shopping at Babies R Us ...Walmart...We were wiped out by the time we got home....

Sunday was our usual church day...and lunch with my parents... Mati and I made the correct delivery to Cheddar's while daddy started yard work. There was still plenty to do once we got home so Mati played in the garage and driveway while we worked. She did really good. She rolled balls down the driveway and laughed. I can't get over what a toddler she has become. We had dinner with Josh's dad Sunday night. Overall it was great weekend...just felt a little short!

All About Mati Moo: Like I said above she is definitely becoming more and more like a toddler. She is addicted to her Gerber Cheetos's and gets really mad when she runs out. This morning I had my hair still in a towel and we went to her room to get a bow. I was holding her since she hadn't been awake for too long. She would reach up and touch the towel and laugh at me. She would lean out in front of me...look up ..and laugh.. it was sweet. Today when I dropped her off they were telling me that her and the class bully were standing there hugging each other yesterday. She has also learned hot to throw a fit you could say. She will scream if you take something she wants...or if you do something she didn't like. When do you start discipline? After bath time I wrap her in a towel and let her look at herself in the mirror ...she says "baby" and giggles...once we try to start getting in her jammies its a game of chase. She doesn't want her diaper on and you have to catch her. She will stiffen her body as you are putting her diaper on, flip, and take off. Oh the joys! She really has gotten into a very fun phase ..full of dancing and laughing so...we are soaking it up.

I am also learning to sew. Heaven help me. I see so many things that I think I could make and think paying 75 bucks is a bit ridiculous. Last night was my first night. I learned how to thread the machine and I also sewed together some ends for some ruffles I am making for an outfit. We will see I will post pics when it is done. Hopefully by Friday!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Man O Man I am sooo tired~

This week has been a little hectic without my boss here so, needless to say I am ready for the weekend!

The past couple of days I have been trying to catch up on 2 weeks of laundry! That sucked.. I have also been organizing ....cleaning things out which only means at times I have created more mess. I have been going home on my lunch break and cleaning everyday. I think Josh has really appreciated it so..I am ok with it!

Yesterday when I dropped Mati off her teacher told me that she thought Mati was advanced! She told me Mati says a large amount of words for her age and so on. That excites me, and assures me that we are doing a good job. I won't be going around proclaiming Mati is advanced, I just chalk it up to her being a talker. She gets it honest. Her mommy and daddy both love to talk.

Last night Mati's grandma came over while Josh and I worked the March of Dimes event. Busy, needy people is all I have got to say..BUT It is a great cause...a great event.... and I glad I get to be apart of it every year~ Yesterday I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off...picking up flowers...running a delivery...heading out by 4 dressed to the 9's....ahhh I am so glad tomorrow is Friday!!!!

Mati had a rough night last night so she ended up in my bed. When I got in the shower this morning she woke up...got down from the bed and whined in front of the shower the entire time. She has been practicing getting off the furniture. I love watching that little brain work!!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009


ok so I totally forgot to post this. Mati has been saying yes to everything...even with a cute little nod. So this was her and her daddy's conversation yesterday while we were getting ready for church...

" Mati do you promise to not get married until you are 35?"....Mati so innocently..."yes"

"Mati do you promise to not ask daddy for an expensive wedding until you are a doctor?" Again...."yes"...

She is going to love this when she starts dating...

I will try to get this on video later this week...

No Surprise~

Well this past weekend was an amazing weekend!

Friday I was at work early so I could leave early and get myself pampered. I went and got my toes done...then off to get my hair done! I love it! So does Josh!

I started putting my surprise together on Thursday and by Friday it was very predictable. I will say once you have been with someone for so long it's really easy to figure them out! I don't want to take away from the night Josh planned. It was such a nice treat. Josh took me to Hotel ZaZa. WOW...that sums it up. They are one of our clients and I have raved to Josh about how beautiful this hotel was. We checked in and headed down to the restaurant. We received first class treatment. Comped appetizers..desserts...nice! lol... We had a great time just talking and hanging out. The room they hooked us up with had a balcony. Unfortunately we thought we forgot the camera in the car only to find out the next morning it was in my purse the whole time! Oh well....

I usually get to sleep in on Saturdays, but I hadn't seen Mati all day on Friday and I couldn't keep my eyes closed another second. I was awake by 8 and we were headed home by 9. We took out time and picked up breakfast, but I was so happy to see her. She was walking around eating biscuit when I got there. She was soooo happy to see her mommy too! After our reunion we headed home to shower and get everyone dressed! We took Mati moo shopping and got her some new clothes. Some for church.,,some for everyday. Josh and I stayed up and watched one of his all time favorite shows "Tombstone" and then crashed!

Sunday we went to church, and then out to eat with my parents! Josh and I headed home to lounge and clean a little. I had to get ready for the Chef' awards. I had to be there by 7 so Mati moo wasn't to happy mommy had to leave. She kept walking in crying while I was trying to get ready. I hate losing family time with her.... I know I know I should lightened up. By the time I got home Mati was out and I got a few minutes with Josh before sleepy town!

Today is going to be hectic. I need to do my weekend clean and laundry and let Josh study!!! yuck! Today is not going to be much fun, but it was worth the amazing weekend!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

So today is my big day! My one day once a year to get away with anything....lol......

Honestly today is going to be just like any other day..I have to work.... booo!!! Nah, my boss actually suprised me...big sign on the door that says Happy Birthday Katie.....20 Baby Ruth Candy bars on my desk...huge balloon..card..and breakfast from McDonalds....I think he totally made up for forgeting last year. ;)

Josh woke my up in the middle of the night to tell me Happy Birthday..thank you honey~ All the phone calls, text messages, and emails have been rolling in! Its a nice feeling...

Tomorrow kicks off my bday. I am leaving work and getting my toes done, hair done, and getting dressed up. Josh has made a reservation somewhere and I have no clue where we are going. I am excited! Saturday is massage time. Tonight I am getting a mystic. Woohoo I am ready to feel pretty pretty!

Josh spent most of his morning trying to get Mati to say Happy Birthday! It didn't work. For a little update on her, we went to Gringo's last night and I was able to order her a meal and she ate! That was awesome! I just broke it up and she ate it. She loves chicken! This morning I took her in her closet and ask her if she wanted to wear a particular outfit and she goes "yep" then I asked her if I could put her shoes on....she said "yep"...Every answer to every question is yep. I know she has no idea what she is doing, but I think its cool! She is now on her sippy cup! Thank u Jesus!

Not mention I am happy to share my birthday with Miss Presley ...She turns one today and she seems to be a pretty cool chick!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

*oink *oink

Well.... I just couldn't wait to show my little piggy off. She is tooo cute I know! I saw this costume in an add and the store didn't sell it. So her daddy searched for it until we found it on Ebay!

She seemed to really like it. When you say "cheese" she is starting to pose. My little ham.

I will post more pics later, but for now the picture above will have to do!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


We last night Josh taught Mati how to say "poop". It was pretty funny. She would sit there and concentrate and say "pa"..."pop" and we would say poop and she would have this look of deep thought and say "poop". I called my mom and Mati kept telling her poop. My mom was rolling. It was hilarious. So maybe we will work on better words from now on. Its really cool to hear her repeat whatever we say. She tries really hard.

I know I have mentioned my mom has been out of town. I was missing her yesterday so I thought I would take Mati over there after daycare and let her have an oatmeal cookie and then head home. The minute I opened the door she started kicking her feet with excitement. She was disappointed when she realized it was just me and her. I let her eat her cookie and touch all the animals. I got in the fridge for a water and she saw her cheesecake and that was it.... "me..me...num num..me me" so I decided I would take it home and she could have it after her dinner. She started freaking out. She wanted it right then. She started crying tears. so I let her hold it on the way home...3 minutes.. she had her mouth on the top like she was trying to bite into the foil top, She cried the entire way home holding her favorite snack. Once we got home I took it and set it on the car so I could get her out. She started freaking out until she could see it again. The minute we walked in I put her in her high chair and got a spoon. She snickered with excitement at the thought of getting her cheesecake. It was so cute.

At dinner time she had chicken and lima beans with us. She didn't really care for the corn but loved the other. We had lots of walking time since I had given her a bath before Josh got home. She walked back and forth in the living room. By 8 she was out! She got up in the middle of the night, I think her legs were cramping.

Ohh well..hopefully a repeat of last night tonight. 2 Days until my Bday....I am so ready to be pampered...

Monday, September 28, 2009


Our home is full of so much love and tons of laughter! Every week it just gets better and every moment just gets sweeter. I am truely thankful for everything I have been given!

Last week I was suddenly bitten by the baby bug. I think its because Mati is walking and getting more independent. She likes to do her own thing more than I like, but I know this is the way things go. Although I have been bitten I think we will enjoy her a little longer without adding to the mix. I had a dream last night about a baby boy, and I left him at home. I just completely forgot him. It was very weird. So maybe this is my mind telling me ~ not yet! So I am just hanging out and soaking up my one on one time with Mati. We need to wait until Josh is at least taking his CPA.

This past weekend daddy was practically no where in sight. For the past week we have only seen him at the dinner table. Mati and I had huge amounts of mommy and Mati time. We played, took walks, and attempted at Mati's first tea party. She would put the cup over her mouth and make noises into it. She also liked putting her little danishes in her cup. Ohh well I am sure it won't be to long before she is begging to do it again..lol.. She also had the worst stomach issues this past weekend. It was horrible. I resulted in call Texas Children's where they informed me no big whoop. So... I am hoping it gets back on track. Anytime we left the house I just prayed she didn't go to the bathroom. Moving on..

Josh and I have splurging on sweets this past weekend...BBQ....AHHH!! He informed me last night that its chicken every night this week. Here we go!

My birthday is Thursday and I am pretty excited. I kind of wanted a "pamper me " theme..lol...massage...nails..toes...hair... girl stuff. I am getting my hair done on Friday and I am trying something a little different I think. I hope Josh likes it, it will be quite different.

I also purchased Miss Mati moo's Halloween costume. Its freakin adorable. I know after this year she will have an opinion about what she wants to be so I am savoring this one!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Dinner time with Mati...

So tonight was particularly interesting at the dinner table - mommy normally always gets stuck feeding Mati, while daddy just enjoys his dinner. Tonight, daddy offered to feed her (we ended up switching off) until Mati decided she would take over!

Here is a short clip - sooooo cute!

When you tell her to say cheese, she smiles this big grin....
...she waits until we aren't looking and then sneaks into Baxter's room - here she is even closing it behind as if we wouldn't notice...

she got caught!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Fried Chicken and Grey's Anatomy..

Yeah!!! Its Friday! Ok now that I got that over with!

Yesterday was a mad house around here, but things got taken care and I headed home! I finally finished up laundry from last weekend and headed out for my dad's. My sister headed over with her kido's and she picked up some chicken. It has been a while since we had chicken and my mouth was watering the minute she walked in the door. Mati showed them her mad walking skills! She such a blessing. I know I have mentioned her and her baby stroller but it is so funny to watch her maneuver that thing. She thinks she needs it to walk long distances. It hilarious to see her coming around the corner like she is on a mission..turning it and pushing it the way it needs to go. She really has an attitude with it! When I picked her up from daycare the teachers were discussing how many words Mati says and they told me they were asking her what her puppies name was and they said she would tell them something every time like she was answering them.

Anyone who has been to my parents house it is quiet obvious that my dad is a hunter. From mounted fish to a huge stuffed bear he has it all. Deer all types.. Mati thinks she needs to pet them. She will point until someone takes her to touch all of them on the nose. One by one we walk around and let her touch. Sometimes we have to make 2 rounds. She calls them baby or puppy an we always correct her but it doesn't stick. Mati also has 2 treats at my moms house ...oatmeal creme cookies and jello with cheesecake on the bottom. She looks forward to both. As soon at she spots the container with the cookies she will point and say " me ..me...me" so of course she gets one every time. I usually hang out at my parents house until Josh gets home so Mati normally eats dinner over there... After dinner she knows to expect her cheesecake. She doesn't want you to take a bite..it is hers only. Its her treat. Even if she is full from dinner she will indulge herself!

So Grey's last night was excellent. I was very happy with the season premiere, it was super intense..Bring on the season!

I have been shopping online for Mati's fall wardrobe. Its amazing how carried away I can get. I love love love Gymboree! I have found some really funky tights! Oh well!

I have a bow to make this weekend and Josh has to study...man we have some plans. Sometimes I tell myself we aren't as boring as it sounds..the I respond...yes we are! ohh well...I plan on hitting the gym and the diet hard over the next couple weeks! March of Dime and a Texans Event all in the same month! Not to mention someone is going to be a birthday girl next week! That's right mamma's having a birthday!

Have great weekend!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Wishing it was Friday

Wednesday...the middle of the week: Hump day some call it...but I just want it over with already. I have the worst allergy/ sinus crap going on and I just wish it would freakin go away!

I guess I will back track from the weekend~

Friday Josh took the day off so he could finally finish his toy shelves...Its pretty neat. The bottom opens up to a ton of space to throw her toys in and I am able to neatly put some on the shelves for decor reasons. I can't wait to get the window seat cushion, valance, and rug in there. The pictures on the wall will be just finger paint pictures of the weather at different times that we will frame. I am going to put some rain boots on the wall for some storage (little things) colors...paper... and an umbrella open hanging from the ceiling with clear beading attached to look like rain drops! So much to do and so little time to do it in. Anyways..Josh worked on his shelf while Mati and I played. Then we had a lazy night and just had some family time!

Saturday we spent the morning lounging...I got pancakes which made my day and I cleaned a little bit. That afternoon we went to my mom and dads and had some family time with my brother and his wife. Mati would really take steps to Ashley more than anyone. After leaving there we headed to the grocery store and ran a few errands.

Sunday was church and after Josh and I literally laid on the couch for 3 hours. We napped, watched a little Law and Order, played with Mati. After feeling like a bum, I decided to wash my car and feel like I did something...cleaned house and crashed!

Monday was nothing less than hectic. My boss was playing in a golf tournament and my driver was at home sick. So i was building pallets..cleaning for the sales rep that was coming in from out of town and just trying to keep my sanity.

Yesterday I went home with the worst sinus pressure....today I just trying to make it!

Mati has such a funny personality. She loves loves loves to dance and she loves her babies stroller. She is walking more and more everyday but she loves to walk behind her stroller. Her daddy calls it her walker..lol...this morning as I was getting ready she came from the kitchen and would play the music over and over again to dance and watch me dance with her. She said her teachers name at school yesterday and I can't say I am surprised. I miss her so much through out the day but its so nice to watch her video of her shaking her booty. Last night she also had her first french fry and she loved it. She doesn't really take food from us and eat it, but last night she ate my last 2 fries. Her daddy said "of course she likes fries".. They are her mommies weakness!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Steps...Playroom...P90X Grad

Well Josh, or should I say "Bob the Builder" finally finished his built in toychest & shelves in Mati's playroom, and I have to say that I'm pretty impressed - I didn't think he had it in him! I remember looking at it after the first day and it was still under construction - I was like, it's not as pretty as I thought it would be...he assured me it would look good; skeptical I let him finish...It really turned out great - you would think we hired a carpenter!

...This weekend, Miss Mati started taking steps! Toward the end of last week, we were in her room and she took 12 steps to mommy (ofcoarse daddy wasn't there to see it), but after that - it ceased! They would say she was taking steps at daycare, but after that one night, she would just stand there until she dropped down to her knees and took off crawling! However, this Saturday and Sunday she turned it up a knotch - 2 steps here, 3 steps there...from toy to toy, couch to toy, mommy to daddy; she was getting to where we could just set her down (standing up) and leave her and she would just naturally walk to whatever was closest...here is a little video of her in her playroom - she had to shake her booty to get warmed up, but I hope you all enjoy!

...And last week marked the end of Josh's 90 day journey - he is now a P90X grad! Congratulations - he begged me to let him post before and after results for everyone to see...

Friday, September 18, 2009

Finally Friday

So yesterday I was being a little dramatic and on my soap box a little bit. I had a horrbile day and I don't think it could have gotten much worse. Thankfully its over and I don't want to rehash it!

Mati is headed to the Dr. today. Hopefully she gets some antibiotics and they will knock out her cold/ flu like symptoms. I would bet money she has double ear infections, but we will see. Poor baby! She literally whines all night. So we are a little tired. I hate that anytime I say that..A middle aged woman anywhere will say "Welcome to Parenthood" ...geez..shut up lady! Anyways...hopefully our little pumpkin feels better so we can all get some sleep!

Today is Friday and I am super pumped. We have no plans, and thats the way I like it! None what so ever! I will do some laundry, clean house, wash my car, lounge. ahhhh! I wish I could be there already. Josh has school work to do so Mati and me will disappear for a few hours and let him focus. She surprises me everyday with new words she is repeating. I manage to get all sappy when I start thinking about the little baby that entered this crazy world and the crazy toodler she has become. I learning to not let it all fly by.I hope to post some pictures this weekend!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Why me?

SERIOUSLY? Am I being punished God?

12 Steps

My Mati Moo is finally attempting to walk!!!! She took 12 steps last night...and then some more. When we went to get her on video..(note to self) we waited to long and she was tired. Oh well it was just an awesome feeling. Her steps before last night were more than one person coaxing her and she took a few steps. Yesterday she was standing in her room and I knelt in front of her and she just continued to take steps until she finally toppled over. My sweet baby is walking!!!!

Another funny story...yesterday when I picked her up from daycare they told me that Mati refused her nap. They said she would stand in her crib yell at them in her jibber jabber and throw her binky. She told me she couldn't tell me how many times she had to pick it up. When she would give it back to her Mati will scream at the top of her lungs. So, I was thinking cool...she will sleep good tonight. WRONG! Every hour at least 1 time and sometimes 2 times she would wake up crying. It was a crazy night and we are freaking tired. Hopefully tonight is a good night and whatever was bothering her is gone!

She was in an okay mood this morning playing with keys and saying "keys" on the kitchen floor..She amazes me everyday! The word mama never gets old and sometimes I am lucky enough to hear "my mama"...I really hope that feeling never fades.

On another note..I have got to stop reading sad blogs..they are really starting to get to me. Example: I read a blog dedicated to Madelyn Sphor. She passed away at 18 months old and her mothers words and are tear jerking in every post. They make me want to run to Mati every day after work like she could just disappear. So....note to self...STOP!

Hope you all have great day and hopefully I can post a video tonight of my little walker!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Lately we have been working on Miss Mati's body parts...her learning them that is.... After reading a "blog friends" blog I started singing "head, shoulders, knee's, and toe's"..she likes the singing part, but doesn't seem to get it. Yesterday when I picked her up from daycare her teacher told me she had been saying "eyes....nose"..since I hadn't heard this for myself I smiled and doubted what she was telling me...shame shame...We got home and played for a bit. While Mati was taking her bath she picked up her hippo...looked him in the face and said..."eyes"..I was floored..so I asked her "where his eyes were?" She ignored me so I pointed to his eyes...her eyes....my eyes...She says it plain as day. There is no misinterpretation "eyes" is "eyes". She also said nose this morning. She hasn't put where there are and what the are called together yet, but I am glad she is picking it up. When I picked her up they said she was also standing there saying "num num ...juice".. I looked at the lady like helloo....she is thirsty! She isn't walking, she has taken steps but nothing too major. She is happy where she is, and she gets into enough.

I am still working on getting my house back together. I had no idea it would be so much work. I didn't get dressed dressed the entire weekend. I will say I am tired already and its only Tuesday. I am hoping to get the rest done by the weekend so I can just do my usual weekend work. I have been dying to wash my car. Ohh well we will see.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Rockin out to Josh Groban

It's and early Friday and I am rocking out to "When you say you love me" by Josh Groban...hmmm his voice is amazing.....yummy..if only guys really thought like this or should I say MY guy! *smack....back to reality! This has been a crazy crazy week! My house is covered in dust..its horrible..BUT my floors look amazing...absolutely amazing....we have been missing out! Mati's playroom is also coming together. Her daddy got it all painted and will start working on her wall toy shelf...lol.. Mommy gets to do the area rug and get the material for the poka dot curtains...I can't wait to post some pic's. This room is super creative and I am giving all the credit to the person that put it in the kids and playroom book! They deserve it!

This past week was my last week of teaching my water aerobics class. It was fun, but mamma needs a break. Its going to be the first time in 2 1/2 months that I get my Tuesday and Thursday nights all to myself! Whatever will I do with myself? I think lots and lots of play time with my favorite girl.

We have been staying at my parents house with the floors getting put in, and I woke up to a 1 year old stuffing her binky in my mouth at 4 am.. saying "mama"..."mama"...and she was literally just trying her hardest to put it in my mouth. We have also been teaching her what the monkey says...oooooo aaaaaa she has the oooo part but not the other half..ohh well atleast she is trying. She has been picking up a slew of words and trying to mimic what you are saying...she says juice, keys, kiss, and last night I told her it was time to get dressed and he said essed...she still says ssess for glasses...and she trys to put them in her hair now. If she finds a ponytail holder or a bow she will place it on top of her head.. we tell her she looks so pretty..lol..

I am looking forward to a great weekend with lots of pics..

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Close of Summer and Whole Milk

Well last weekend was officially the last weekend of Summer. I had a great weekend with Family.

Friday Josh and I went up to the outlets at 290. I got to splurge and get myself some new clothes. Thank God! Mati is getting in her top two middle teeth. She already got the ones on the outside so her mouth will be looking a little more normal now..She has never had the explosive diarrhea with teething unil now.. example:....once we got home from shopping we decided to pick up some Central Texas..I told Josh I would wait in the parking lot with Mati while he ran in, she had gotten fussy from the ride so I pick her in the floorboard in front of me and let her play. I noticed a little grunting, but since were less than 5 minutes from home I decided I would wait to change her until we got home. Yeah Right! I look down and noticed an explosion of crap on the floor mat and all over the back of her clothes. So I am trying to strip her...and she wants to be held..she is screaming..ahhh I get crap all over me. It takes me s few minutes to stop laughing..I try to figure out some kind of damage control. Thank God I had her sheet and blanket from daycare. I stripped her down..I am also standing in the parking lot barefoot...with my naked baby. What a sight...people would walk by and just smile like it was the most normal thing.... of course Josh walks out just as I am done and he just laughs. My sister met us at our house and watched Mati while we went and worked out. I was sore for 2 days after that workout.

Saturday Josh torn my house apart. We are getting new floors put in the week. I am pretty excited about that. Josh is also starting Mati's playroom this week. Its an "all weather playroom" featuring rain...sunshine...snow...all that!The walls are painted a light blue with the ceiling a darker blue with clouds. I will post pick when it's completed! I had to run to the office and some errands. So Josh cut some grass while mommy picked Mati moo up and we went and bought a bday gift for Ms. Lilly who was turning 2. We had a blast at the party although we had to leave early to meet my brother and his wife. We met up at the Sugarland town center. They had a marching band playing... and people were crowded around in lawn chairs..it was pretty neat. We ate at Escalantes and brought our little monster home. Mati also started on whole milk.. she seems to like it. I will start the sippy cups next week..I have bought every kind and tried to try her our on them, and I get nothing. She doesn't get the concept she is suppose to suck..so I got one with a nipple and she just bites it....suggestions are welcome!

Sunday we had church in the morning and headed over to Josh's dads for some family time. Mati played and had great time with her great grandparents. Sunday night I tried to piece my house back together and start some laundry so I could enjoy my actual day off. We rented a movie and just had some us time.

Monday..Josh took off to the Gym..surprise surprise...We headed to my moms for lunch and just relaxed with family. After everyone left Mati fell asleep so my parents watched her so we could go get some groceries and pick up the paint for her play room. Once we got home it was a mad dash to put away nick nacks and decor. My house looks barren and cluttered all at the same time. Ohh well...Josh only works today of this week so he can supervise the floors and work in Mati's playroom.... Oh the life! Off to work I must go!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A great week~

It has been an awesome week...full of family time and large doses of laughter.

Monday was a little crazy. Josh has school practically all night so..its just Mati and mommy. We hung out and played until Mati couldn't keep her eyes open anymore and she crashed...I got to snuggle up in my bed alone and read "The Time Travelers Wife"...ahhh it was sooo good!

Tuesday started early...6am'er and I wa pretty tired. I lasted though. Got off at 2 and headed home instead of the daycare...I went home and finished my book and picked up Mati by 3. When I picked her up I decided to run and grab some tots and a drink from Sonic...I knew we would have a later dinner due to water aerobics...once the food was in the car Mati cried and continued to say " mama ...num num....mama...num num.....she was hungry..I felt like a horrible mommy for the 5 minutes it took to get home..ahh...and I was livid at the daycare...it was only 3 and Mati shouldn't be that hungry...so needless to say I discussed this the next morning...back track...Josh made dinner and and I gave Mati her bath and laid her down so he could relax a little bit.... I did laundry...he worked out...

Wednesday...was a great day....I picked up Mati after work and we went by my mom's...my dad went and got KFC grilled since Josh didn't leave work until 6...I ate with them and left to go home and give Mati her bath. I made Josh dinner and cleaned the kitchen...then we had some family time...all 3 of us sat on the couch and played... Mati got super jelous of Josh sitting so close so she would stand in between us..hilarious... so he would get close and kiss me and she got so upset...she would push his face away from mine and let him know she didn't want him near me...sooo funny. She was really entertaining us...so...down by her usual 8 and it was time to relax...my house was clean...laundry done...so Josh and I got stuff ready for this morning and crawled in bed and watched tv...something we don't get t do that often...we were out by 9...it was soo nice so I think we are planning on that more often or at least I am....

Thursday is an order day...lots to do... so...I will have to share more later! Adios!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Madi's Party Pics

Ok all, here are some of them... If you want to view a slideshow of all the pics, click on the photo and while in PhotoBook, feel free to use our Guest password: Madelyne. Enjoy!






...The kids really enjoyed the inflatable water gun!


...the little ones got to go on a train ride!


...sweet tooth anyone!


...Mati's blinged out converse!






...she loves to feed us!


...calling her friends to tell them what a great time she had!



...she's had enough!


...ok, thank you by-by...muah!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Little Things

Mati's personality has really been shining lately. She has morphed into my little toddler...

This past weekend we went grocery shopping and Mati would turn around and grab groceries out of the shopping cart and toss them on the ground...... She wouldn't laugh at the fact she threw something down....she would laugh at us when we had to bend down and pick them up.....these huge belly laughs!!! I love those....

Lately its been harder and harder to keep her quite in church...especially if people behind us are egging her on and entertaining her.... she will constantly pull her bow out of her hair and laugh... She waits for me to grab her hand.... She will stare straight ahead..and slowly bring her hand up to her bow...she burst into laughter the minute I grab her arm.

She has also learned how to unroll the toilet paper. Everything is so funny to her and I can't keep a straight face with those beautiful blue eyes watching me.

Mati has a routine when she is in the kitchen. She will attempt at opening every cabinet one by one... We have locks on them so she is denied. She will peer into the little crack to try and see what's inside..It's so cute watching her go from door to door...just hoping one will open.

Last weekend we went shopping and to entertain her in her stroller we would give her ..her baby doll. Oh how she loves being a little mommy....she rocks her baby...holds it tight..she also..shakes it from side to side like she is shushing it...she kisses her and offers her the binky. Occasionally she will throw the doll to the side and Josh and I will have to pick it up in whatever aisle we are in, but we both agree its worth picking up just to watch her love on her baby.

Mati is a very sweet baby as well...She loves to love on you...she gives hugs and softly rubs your back. Those moments are what its all about.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Mad Hatter Weekend!!!!

Well my Mati Moo is a 1 year old! All the craziness was worth an amazing party!

Thursday after work I went home anf got changed into work clothes... We laid bark ...pulled weeds ... after it got dark we went home and crashed...Friday morning my sister...her hubby and their 2 kido's showed up to help with the yardwork....we laid 45 bags of bark...scrubbed the patio...washed windows...moved patio furniture....cleaned house...Josh went and picked up...out little train we had... and the tables...chairs...linens... Went home...showered and got ready to run around and do some last minute errands...Friday at 7 we had dinner with our family. We tried to get Mati to eat her cake....instead she wanted to feed Mama...so I ended up with chocolate cake on my face and Mati looked great... we left...did a little shopping...picked up the waterslide...we by and saw some old friends that closed on their house...then we went and dropped off balloons...picked up some stuff from a great friend and headed home long enough to change clothes and head to my moms.... We had 3 dozen cupcakes to make, hang a funky swag above the table area, finish up goody bags, wrap Mati's gift from us...we ended up crashing at about 2...up by 6:30... We had so much rain I had to clean the patio all over again....

Saturday was full of chaos ..... Josh helped until he had to pick up the cake...flowers...ice...So that left mama to delegate...Man was I bossy....BUT everything looked amazing... We had huge playing cards on the fence..... jumbo cards on the tables..covered with tulle..top hats...tea pots...flowers... 7 bowls of candy...cotton candy machine....waterslide....bounce house... ok so her goody bags were in brown paper bags shaped like tea bags...with a string and thank you note attached...in a bucket that said "Mati's sweet tea"....her cake was awesome...lots of compliments.... We had over 50 people show...I am just glad my mom's house was big enough so everyone was scattered... All in all the party was a huge success.... everything looked great and Mati got way more toys than she will need. Thank you to everyone that showed up.

Sunday we slept in until 12...it was so nice.. we ran around returning things and putting everything back together. Mati got her front facing car seat yesterday and she loves sitting like a big girl... I have mountains of laundry that need to get done today. We only put together a hand full of toys so daddy needs to get on that....Daddy also returns to school today ... :( We enjoyed our two weeks we had with him. I am so glad he was off and could help us get ready for Mati's party!

I know there is so much more to share put the pictures will do the talking due to exhaustion...I will post them tonight!