Monday, October 19, 2009

"Old McDonald" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider"

Here is a MAJOR picture many of you know little Mati moo has had the flu. The daycare called me last week to tell me to come pick her up, once I got there they told me they had 2 cases of the flu in her gee thanks for letting us know. So her pedi had her back on breathing treatments and meds...poor kid... She back to feeling like her playful self in loads of trouble.... :)

Lately Mati is lucky if she gets in her chair. Here is Mati trying to make him move so she could have some room...

Here she is after mommy said "cheese"...what a little ham... (look at her belly

This is her new obsession. She loves to take things out. She will rarely let me close it without throwing herself on the ground crying like she is loosing her best friend. (please excuse the boxers and chubby legs :)

She has now decided she likes tv....

Mommies little heart

This was taken on day 2 of the flu. She isn't feeling too well here. She was trying to get comfortable during her nap.

My little diva. She looks so big in this picture to me. I thought the rollers were a great idea....but the outcome...not so good...very mad scientist...scary...lets just say we aren't ready for rollers just yet.

So pretty!!!!!

Mati's 2 new favorite songs are "Old McDonald" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider".... You can see below she loves them!! (please excuse my singing .....Josh nudged me and said sing).... I love every minute of this stage... She is such a momma's girl...

I hope you enjoyed our little catch up...I could watch it all day!!!


  1. Both my husband and I enjoyed this update! she is such a doll! I love the rollers in her hair. Anakin won't even let me brush his hair!

  2. Katie, I am sorry she has been sick, I had no idea! Poor little thing, but I love the rollers! I just cannot believe how big she is getting!! By the way Sadie looks adorable in her bow!! Heather says thanks so very much!!!
