Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another Fun Filled Weekend!

So this post never got posted....here it is anyhow :)

Friday night Josh had a test to study for so Mati and mommy took off to my moms house. We hung out a couple hours and let Josh really soak in everything he needed for his exam. I noticed Mati just seemed to be going down hill. More congestion...When her nose did run it had a nice lime green color. I was worried she had an allergic reaction to something..her eyes were read. Maybe a perfume...no idea..so I let the weekend play out and she just didn't seem to get better.

Saturday we went to the pumpkin patch and wow I thought last year was bad...Maybe I will get some smiling pictures next year. All she wanted to do was roll the pumpkins... :) We went to the mall to return some shoes from Gymboree that didn't fit...boo...they were so cute.. ohh well. Then Josh got sucked into the Gingerbread collection and Mati got her a new outfit from the hair to the shoes.. I was pretty proud and I loved watching him walk around and pick out every piece. We stopped at Walmart and did a little grocery shopping, and headed over to see my madre and padre.. (I have been watching dora)
Here are some pictures from her pumpkin patch adventures:

Sunday was our usual day of Jesus! We went to church and out to eat with the family. We lounged around the house and went and did a little shopping at Macy's for mama. Mati played with a ball in my parents yard. She loves to throw it and have it thrown at her.

Here are a few pics:

Last night me and my hubby went to the taste of the NFL. My company donates a lot of the beef for this fundraiser and we also have a booth. Mama got all dolled up, and we headed out for some fun. Josh had a great time. He has never been, and has always had something going on..

Here are a few pics of that night:

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away..

There is something about starting your morning off with 2 showers...1 especially with your cloths on... :) Today while dropping Mati off I literally had to stop and dump the water out of my shoe.It was horrible. They have seemed to dry out. Thank God! I walk in and the owner says "ohh no" and looks at me pathetically...I smile and keep walking...I get to Mati's class and her teacher says the same thing. I mean seriously? Do I look that bad....I mean I am sure I have some resemblance to a wet dog, but don't make me feel bad about it! lol...She loaned me her umbrella and away I went. I turned up my a/c hoping for it to do atleast half the job of my blow dryer..haha yeah right.. Luckily I had a comb in my car so I could run it through a little....tease it a little...at the end of it all...I have flat hair with no product in it...ohh well that's just me being vain, right honey?


Monday was a busy day from being out last Friday, so I have felt like I have been playin catch up on things here and there. All completely worth it to take care of my sick baby. Who is feeling a lot better by the way..

Tuesday..Mati moo was super excited to be dropped off at school..lol.. I went with my boss to visit customers and had a pretty packed day. After work we headed home to hang out and play until daddy got home..We ended up going to Gringo's with some friends. It was nice having the night off from the kitchen.

Yesterday Josh needed to do some studying so Mati and I hung out at my parents house until about 9...way past her bedtime...but she took a later nap, so I considered it no biggie. Mati played a game of hide and seek with my dad last night and it was hilarious. He would come over the couch and tickle her and she laughed until her tummy her I am sure. She would hide and jump up to see where he was..it was really cute to watch.... She loves her wooden puzzle I got her last weekend . She will focus so hard with the pieces. Next objective is coloring.. we will see how it plays out.

Today is my craziest day of the week and since it's suppose to be cold later I thought I would make home made chicken soup....yummy..we will see how it goes..this is my first time to play around the recipe. I am ready for tomorrow...bring on the weekend.

Monday, October 19, 2009

"Old McDonald" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider"

Here is a MAJOR picture update...as many of you know little Mati moo has had the flu. The daycare called me last week to tell me to come pick her up, once I got there they told me they had 2 cases of the flu in her class...wow gee thanks for letting us know. So her pedi had her back on breathing treatments and meds...poor kid... She back to feeling like her playful self in loads of trouble.... :)

Lately Mati is lucky if she gets in her chair. Here is Mati trying to make him move so she could have some room...

Here she is after mommy said "cheese"...what a little ham... (look at her belly

This is her new obsession. She loves to take things out. She will rarely let me close it without throwing herself on the ground crying like she is loosing her best friend. (please excuse the boxers and chubby legs :)

She has now decided she likes tv....

Mommies little helper...my heart

This was taken on day 2 of the flu. She isn't feeling too well here. She was trying to get comfortable during her nap.

My little diva. She looks so big in this picture to me. I thought the rollers were a great idea....but the outcome...not so good...very mad scientist...scary...lets just say we aren't ready for rollers just yet.

So pretty!!!!!

Mati's 2 new favorite songs are "Old McDonald" and "Itsy Bitsy Spider".... You can see below she loves them!! (please excuse my singing .....Josh nudged me and said sing).... I love every minute of this stage... She is such a momma's girl...

I hope you enjoyed our little catch up...I could watch it all day!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Busy Mama

This past weekend it felt like we weren't really home! Friday once I got home I decided to take a nap. Josh ordered pizza and we lounged and crashed early I think.

Saturday mama stayed in bed until almost noon. I was up before then but I didn't want to get out of bed. After I joined the land of the living we headed out to my mom's for some gumbo... It was a great lazy day...We ate and played cards....after our card game (let me mention I had the freakin lowest score) I fixed my nieces hair for a practice run for a pageant she is participating in at the end of the month. Josh and I needed to head out to Cheddars in Webster to make a delivery. Once we got to the office I told him what product to pull while I made the invoice. We got all the way there and I opened the back to find the wrong product!!!!! He makes me sooo proud! So we stayed and ate dinner...did a little shopping at Babies R Us ...Walmart...We were wiped out by the time we got home....

Sunday was our usual church day...and lunch with my parents... Mati and I made the correct delivery to Cheddar's while daddy started yard work. There was still plenty to do once we got home so Mati played in the garage and driveway while we worked. She did really good. She rolled balls down the driveway and laughed. I can't get over what a toddler she has become. We had dinner with Josh's dad Sunday night. Overall it was great weekend...just felt a little short!

All About Mati Moo: Like I said above she is definitely becoming more and more like a toddler. She is addicted to her Gerber Cheetos's and gets really mad when she runs out. This morning I had my hair still in a towel and we went to her room to get a bow. I was holding her since she hadn't been awake for too long. She would reach up and touch the towel and laugh at me. She would lean out in front of me...look up ..and laugh.. it was sweet. Today when I dropped her off they were telling me that her and the class bully were standing there hugging each other yesterday. She has also learned hot to throw a fit you could say. She will scream if you take something she wants...or if you do something she didn't like. When do you start discipline? After bath time I wrap her in a towel and let her look at herself in the mirror ...she says "baby" and giggles...once we try to start getting in her jammies its a game of chase. She doesn't want her diaper on and you have to catch her. She will stiffen her body as you are putting her diaper on, flip, and take off. Oh the joys! She really has gotten into a very fun phase ..full of dancing and laughing so...we are soaking it up.

I am also learning to sew. Heaven help me. I see so many things that I think I could make and think paying 75 bucks is a bit ridiculous. Last night was my first night. I learned how to thread the machine and I also sewed together some ends for some ruffles I am making for an outfit. We will see I will post pics when it is done. Hopefully by Friday!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Man O Man I am sooo tired~

This week has been a little hectic without my boss here so, needless to say I am ready for the weekend!

The past couple of days I have been trying to catch up on 2 weeks of laundry! That sucked.. I have also been organizing ....cleaning things out which only means at times I have created more mess. I have been going home on my lunch break and cleaning everyday. I think Josh has really appreciated it so..I am ok with it!

Yesterday when I dropped Mati off her teacher told me that she thought Mati was advanced! She told me Mati says a large amount of words for her age and so on. That excites me, and assures me that we are doing a good job. I won't be going around proclaiming Mati is advanced, I just chalk it up to her being a talker. She gets it honest. Her mommy and daddy both love to talk.

Last night Mati's grandma came over while Josh and I worked the March of Dimes event. Busy, needy people is all I have got to say..BUT It is a great cause...a great event.... and I glad I get to be apart of it every year~ Yesterday I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off...picking up flowers...running a delivery...heading out by 4 dressed to the 9's....ahhh I am so glad tomorrow is Friday!!!!

Mati had a rough night last night so she ended up in my bed. When I got in the shower this morning she woke up...got down from the bed and whined in front of the shower the entire time. She has been practicing getting off the furniture. I love watching that little brain work!!!!

Monday, October 5, 2009


ok so I totally forgot to post this. Mati has been saying yes to everything...even with a cute little nod. So this was her and her daddy's conversation yesterday while we were getting ready for church...

" Mati do you promise to not get married until you are 35?"....Mati so innocently..."yes"

"Mati do you promise to not ask daddy for an expensive wedding until you are a doctor?" Again...."yes"...

She is going to love this when she starts dating...

I will try to get this on video later this week...

No Surprise~

Well this past weekend was an amazing weekend!

Friday I was at work early so I could leave early and get myself pampered. I went and got my toes done...then off to get my hair done! I love it! So does Josh!

I started putting my surprise together on Thursday and by Friday it was very predictable. I will say once you have been with someone for so long it's really easy to figure them out! I don't want to take away from the night Josh planned. It was such a nice treat. Josh took me to Hotel ZaZa. WOW...that sums it up. They are one of our clients and I have raved to Josh about how beautiful this hotel was. We checked in and headed down to the restaurant. We received first class treatment. Comped appetizers..desserts...nice! lol... We had a great time just talking and hanging out. The room they hooked us up with had a balcony. Unfortunately we thought we forgot the camera in the car only to find out the next morning it was in my purse the whole time! Oh well....

I usually get to sleep in on Saturdays, but I hadn't seen Mati all day on Friday and I couldn't keep my eyes closed another second. I was awake by 8 and we were headed home by 9. We took out time and picked up breakfast, but I was so happy to see her. She was walking around eating biscuit when I got there. She was soooo happy to see her mommy too! After our reunion we headed home to shower and get everyone dressed! We took Mati moo shopping and got her some new clothes. Some for church.,,some for everyday. Josh and I stayed up and watched one of his all time favorite shows "Tombstone" and then crashed!

Sunday we went to church, and then out to eat with my parents! Josh and I headed home to lounge and clean a little. I had to get ready for the Chef' awards. I had to be there by 7 so Mati moo wasn't to happy mommy had to leave. She kept walking in crying while I was trying to get ready. I hate losing family time with her.... I know I know I should lightened up. By the time I got home Mati was out and I got a few minutes with Josh before sleepy town!

Today is going to be hectic. I need to do my weekend clean and laundry and let Josh study!!! yuck! Today is not going to be much fun, but it was worth the amazing weekend!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Happy Birthday to Me!

So today is my big day! My one day once a year to get away with anything....lol......

Honestly today is going to be just like any other day..I have to work.... booo!!! Nah, my boss actually suprised me...big sign on the door that says Happy Birthday Katie.....20 Baby Ruth Candy bars on my desk...huge balloon..card..and breakfast from McDonalds....I think he totally made up for forgeting last year. ;)

Josh woke my up in the middle of the night to tell me Happy Birthday..thank you honey~ All the phone calls, text messages, and emails have been rolling in! Its a nice feeling...

Tomorrow kicks off my bday. I am leaving work and getting my toes done, hair done, and getting dressed up. Josh has made a reservation somewhere and I have no clue where we are going. I am excited! Saturday is massage time. Tonight I am getting a mystic. Woohoo I am ready to feel pretty pretty!

Josh spent most of his morning trying to get Mati to say Happy Birthday! It didn't work. For a little update on her, we went to Gringo's last night and I was able to order her a meal and she ate! That was awesome! I just broke it up and she ate it. She loves chicken! This morning I took her in her closet and ask her if she wanted to wear a particular outfit and she goes "yep" then I asked her if I could put her shoes on....she said "yep"...Every answer to every question is yep. I know she has no idea what she is doing, but I think its cool! She is now on her sippy cup! Thank u Jesus!

Not mention I am happy to share my birthday with Miss Presley ...She turns one today and she seems to be a pretty cool chick!