Thursday, October 22, 2009

Rain Rain Go Away..

There is something about starting your morning off with 2 showers...1 especially with your cloths on... :) Today while dropping Mati off I literally had to stop and dump the water out of my shoe.It was horrible. They have seemed to dry out. Thank God! I walk in and the owner says "ohh no" and looks at me pathetically...I smile and keep walking...I get to Mati's class and her teacher says the same thing. I mean seriously? Do I look that bad....I mean I am sure I have some resemblance to a wet dog, but don't make me feel bad about it! lol...She loaned me her umbrella and away I went. I turned up my a/c hoping for it to do atleast half the job of my blow dryer..haha yeah right.. Luckily I had a comb in my car so I could run it through a little....tease it a the end of it all...I have flat hair with no product in it...ohh well that's just me being vain, right honey?


Monday was a busy day from being out last Friday, so I have felt like I have been playin catch up on things here and there. All completely worth it to take care of my sick baby. Who is feeling a lot better by the way..

Tuesday..Mati moo was super excited to be dropped off at I went with my boss to visit customers and had a pretty packed day. After work we headed home to hang out and play until daddy got home..We ended up going to Gringo's with some friends. It was nice having the night off from the kitchen.

Yesterday Josh needed to do some studying so Mati and I hung out at my parents house until about 9...way past her bedtime...but she took a later nap, so I considered it no biggie. Mati played a game of hide and seek with my dad last night and it was hilarious. He would come over the couch and tickle her and she laughed until her tummy her I am sure. She would hide and jump up to see where he was really cute to watch.... She loves her wooden puzzle I got her last weekend . She will focus so hard with the pieces. Next objective is coloring.. we will see how it plays out.

Today is my craziest day of the week and since it's suppose to be cold later I thought I would make home made chicken soup....yummy..we will see how it goes..this is my first time to play around the recipe. I am ready for tomorrow...bring on the weekend.

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