Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Lately we have been working on Miss Mati's body parts...her learning them that is.... After reading a "blog friends" blog I started singing "head, shoulders, knee's, and toe's"..she likes the singing part, but doesn't seem to get it. Yesterday when I picked her up from daycare her teacher told me she had been saying "eyes....nose"..since I hadn't heard this for myself I smiled and doubted what she was telling me...shame shame...We got home and played for a bit. While Mati was taking her bath she picked up her hippo...looked him in the face and said..."eyes"..I was floored..so I asked her "where his eyes were?" She ignored me so I pointed to his eyes...her eyes....my eyes...She says it plain as day. There is no misinterpretation "eyes" is "eyes". She also said nose this morning. She hasn't put where there are and what the are called together yet, but I am glad she is picking it up. When I picked her up they said she was also standing there saying "num num ...juice".. I looked at the lady like helloo....she is thirsty! She isn't walking, she has taken steps but nothing too major. She is happy where she is, and she gets into enough.

I am still working on getting my house back together. I had no idea it would be so much work. I didn't get dressed dressed the entire weekend. I will say I am tired already and its only Tuesday. I am hoping to get the rest done by the weekend so I can just do my usual weekend work. I have been dying to wash my car. Ohh well we will see.

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