Well this past weekend ...the weather blew! I was suppose to go and find Mati her Easter dress, and get pictures done. The weather was just too horrible. I didn't want to get her sick so we stayed indoors as much as possible.
Friday we went to the "new doctor" and we loved him. He had a very warm personality, and Mati liked him as well. All in All she is very healthy....she is 75% for her weight....90 % for her height and ...95 % for her head... Everything looks great! We went and got her a new dress after her appoinment.... and went home to eat tomales. We were planning on going shopping after dinner, but I was too tired and fell asleep quickly on the couch. I woke up to Mati...standing at the coffee table....Josh was holding her steady...she was slapping her hands and yelling at me..Josh said she had been doing that for 5 minutes or so. Not to mention the weather was a constant drizzle and ice hold so we hung out and just watched tv... Saturday...after I managed to wake myself up and join the land of the living....we went and got groceries, cleaned house, and made dinner for our guests. We had a good time eating and socializing. The great thing about having friends with kids....They leave early.....they were out the door by 9:00.....Kinzie stayed and yacked with us until her love got off work. Josh and I had agreed to teach Sunday School so she was giving use some fun ideas and decided to sit in and help!!! Sunday is kinda like a blur...
We got up early and went and picked up donuts and drinks...Josh and Kinzie got things ready for arts and crafts while I got Mati ready to go with my mom. Sunday school was a hit and the kids want us to come again. We went o lunch with Luke and Kinzie ..had a blast.....We ran into the Singletons...It was nice to see them and get to see little Jaycee Lou....We got home and took a nap with Mati...After we all got up we got things ready for Tottenberrys and straightened house and headed back to church....
Today she started "school".....thats what I am calling it. She seemed to do pretty good. I got there at 7 and got her crib ready. They were a little suprised that my princess had satin sheets.... They kept asking me if she was spoiled....you think? We played until I had to go to work and I gave the girl the page I wrote out last night on her routine and such. I called at 9 and she just went down for a nap. I am glad she is doing so good. Before I left she told a kid "hey" and the teacher just looked at me and laughed. I can't wait until lunch so I can go see my ray of sunshine. Other than that I am ready to go riding today and tan!!!!
Summer 2012
12 years ago
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